What We Do
Theory of Change
how we work
Youth Speak believes that young people know best what their communities need and understands that their voices are often marginalized, particularly in times of conflict. Youth Speak brings together youth activists from conflict-affected areas and international partners to support and mentor the ideas of young people into a sustainable reality.
where we work
Currently, our programming is focused in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, particularly in Duhok province, as well as parts of Ninewa province in northern Iraq.
Our Mission
Youth Speak’s mission is to develop a community space to serve as a civic engagement incubator for youth in conflict-affected parts of the world. Youth Speak will provide resources and support to young people to develop and implement cultural, artistic, and social projects that promote a more active, equal, and peaceful community.
our values
Youth Speak believes that all community members should be held to the highest standards in their pursuit of, or growth toward, values of social justice and equality for all people, regardless of ethnicity, language, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or educational background. Youth Speak knows that culture is not a static thing, that change often starts with a small group of dedicated young people willing to go against the grain at their own personal risk, and stands in solidarity with those people however possible.